Renaud Person

Renaud is an research engineer interested in ocean biogeochemical cycles of nutrients, iron, and carbon, particularly their links with primary production and sea ice. His focus is largely on the Southern Ocean. To address these subjects, Renaud uses ocean models, particularly the PISCES biogeochemical model, the NEMO ocean circulation model, and the LIM sea-ice model, all coupled . Currently he works at LOCEAN (Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentations et Analyses Numériques, Paris) at the Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL), French National Centre for Scientific Research. Renaud is currently a CDD with the French ANR project SOBUMS and has been part of the EU project CRESCENDO. Once a sound engineer, Renaud became a oceanography engineer, graduating from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in 2016 (Diplôme EPHE SVT, Paris).
SOBUMS CDD, Research Engineer