Christian Ethé

Christian Ethé is a CNRS research engineer at the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) with extensive expertise in ocean model development, both the physical and biogeochemical components as well as their coupling. In addition, he has long experience in climate simulations and high-performance computing (HPC). A leading member of the NEMO System Team, among other tasks Christian directs developments of TOP (Tracer in the Ocean Paradigm), a critical component that transports all passive tracers, including all biogeochemical variables such as all those in the PISCES model. In addition, he is a member of the IPSL Climate Modeling group, and one of the lead developers of the CROCO Ocean community model. Christian has been involved in many international projects, including CMIP, CARBOOCEAN, EMBRACE, CRESCENDO, ERACLIM.
WP2 Leader